Exciting New Updates!

Exciting New Updates!

Exciting New Updates!

Celebrating Our First Notes Prospectus Anniversary

At Indemo, we are thrilled to announce some exciting updates that mark significant progress in our journey. As of today, our latest Notes listing is fully funded, and we want to share what’s coming next.

A Year of Success: Our First Notes Prospectus Anniversary

We are celebrating a significant milestone – it’s been a year since we registered our first prospectus for Discounted Debts offerings with the Central Bank of Latvia. This anniversary signifies our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of transparency and regulatory compliance.

What the Renewal of the Prospectus Means for Investors

Renewing our prospectus is a crucial step to ensure we continue providing accurate and up-to-date information about our product offerings. The Central Bank of Latvia rigorously reviews our documents, confirming their accuracy and relevancy. As part of this renewal process, we have updated several important documents:

The Audited 2023 Annual Report for the Notes Issuer: View the report here.
The Financial Report of Our Cooperation Partner: View the report here.

The renewal process involves several key operational steps:

  • Securing necessary approval signatures from the regulator.
  • Updating information with Nasdaq CSD, our cooperation partner for ISIN allocation.
  • Refreshing documents on our system and website.

You can find the renewed prospectus on the Indemo website and the Platform app once it is available. We expect this process to take a couple of days. Rest assured, our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and swift completion.

New Notes Coming Soon!

We are excited to announce that new Notes will be listed around the end of this business week. This is an excellent opportunity for investors to explore and invest in fresh, high-quality offerings. Our team has been working diligently to bring these new opportunities to you.

Stay Updated

We will keep you informed throughout this process. Be sure to join our Telegram channel and subscribe to our email notifications to get the latest updates on when the new Notes are listed.

Thank you for your continued trust and support. We look forward to providing you with more exceptional investment opportunities.

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